Quelques références anglophones sur l'art et la culture inuit

May 15, 2013

La plupart des publications consacrées à l'art et à la culture inuit sont publiées en anglais. Il existe un très grande quantité d'ouvrages anglophones dont une sélection non exhaustive est ici proposée par thèmes.

- Arts inuit

BOYD RYAN , Leslie, and Darlene COWARD WIGHT, 2007, Cape Dorset Prints : A Retrospective. Fifty Years of Printmaking at the Kinngait Studio. San Francisco: Pomegranate Communications Inc.

COOK, Cynthia Waye (ed.), 1993, From the centre: the drawings of Luke Anguhadluq. Toronto: Art Gallery of Ontario.

COWARD-WIGHT, Darlene, (ed.), 1991, The first passionate collector. The Ian Lindsay collection of inuit art./ Le premier collectionneur passionné. La collection d’art inuit Ian Lindsay. Winnipeg: Winnipeg Art Gallery.

COWARD-WIGHT, Darlene, (ed.), 2000, Art and expression of the Netsilik. Winnipeg: Winnipeg Art Gallery.

COWARD-WIGHT, Darlene, 2006, Early masters: Inuit sculpture 1949-1955. Winnipeg: Winnipeg Art Gallery.

CRANDALL, Richard C., and Susan M. CRANDALL, 2007, Annotated bibliography of Inuit art. Jefferson [North Carolina] and London: Mc Farland & Company.

GOETZ, Helga, 1977, The Inuit print/ L’estampe inuit. Ottawa: National Museum of Man.

HESSEL, Ingo, 1998, Inuit Art: an Introduction. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre.


- Monographies d'artistes

BLODGETT, Jean, 1985, Kenojuak. Toronto: Firefly Books.

EBER, Dorothy, and Peter PITSEOLAK, 1975, People from our side. An Eskimo life story in words and photographs. An inuit record of Seekooseelak – the land of the people of Cape Dorset, Baffin Island. Bloomington and London Indiana University Press.

51MB6250ENL._SL160_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-dp,TopRight,12,-18_SH30_OU15_AA160_HESSEL, Ingo, (ed.), 2010, Kananginaaq. Kananginak Pootoogook. Celebrating Five Decades of Artistic Achievement. Toronto: Museum of Inuit Art.

LEROUX, Odette, Marion JACKSON, and Minnie A. FREEMAN, (ed.), 1994, Inuit Women Artists, Voices from Cape Dorset. Hull: Canadian Museum of Civilizations.

MITCHELL, Marybelle, (ed.), 1984, Tivi Etook. Whispering in my ears and mingling with my dreams/Tivi Etook. Légendes susurrées à mes oreilles s’entremêlant à mes rêves. George River Ungava Bay : La Fédération des Coopératives du Nouveau-Québec.

51W6y2+81uL._AA160_NASBY, Judith, 2002, Irene Avaalaaqiaq. Myth and Reality. Montréal: McGill-University Press.

ROUTLEDGE, Marie, and Marion E. Jackson, 1990, Pudlo Pudlat : Thirty Years of Drawing. Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada.

RYAN BOYD, Leslie, and Darlene COWARD WIGHT, (ed.), 2004, Napachie Pootoogook. Winnipeg: The Winnipeg Art Gallery/Le Musée des Beaux-Arts de Winnipeg.

WALK, Ansgar, (1999), Kenojuak : the life story of an inuit artist.  Manotick [Ontario]: Penumbra Press.

- Sociétés inuit circumpolaires

416bE+sCLWL._AA160_BENNETT, John, and Susan ROWLEY, 2004, Uqalurait. An oral history of Nunavut. Montréal: McGill-Quenn’s University Press.

DORAIS, Louis-Jacques, 2010, Inuit uqausingit. The Language of the Inuit. Syntax, Semantics, and Society in the Arctic. Montreal & Kingston, London, Ithaca: McGill-Queen's University Press.

OOSTEN, Jarich, and Frédéric LAUGRAND, (ed.), 2002, Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit: Shamanism and Reintegrating Wrongdoers into the Community. Volume 4. Iqaluit: Nunavut Arctic College.

- Sources ethnographiques 

51v2Q43XSbL._AA160_BOAS, Franz, 1888, The Central Eskimo, 6th Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology for the Years 1884-1885. Washington et Lincoln: Smithsonian Institution-Bureau of Ethnology and University of Nebraska.

RASMUSSEN, Knud, 1929, Intellectual Culture of the Iglulik Eskimos.Report of the Fifth Thule Expedition 1921-24. Volume VII (1). Copenhagen: Gyldendalske Boghandel, Nordisk Forlag.

RASMUSSEN, Knud, 1930, Iglulik and Caribou Eskimo Texts. Report of the Fifth Thule Expedition 1921-24. Volume VII (3). Copenhague: Gyldendalske Boghandel, Nordisk Forlag.

RASMUSSEN, Knud, 1931, The Netsilik Eskimos: Social Life and Spiritual Culture. Report of the Fifth Thule Expedition 1921-24. Volume VIII (1-2). Copenhague: Gyldendalske Boghandel.


À ces références s'ajoutent l'ensemble des catalogues annuels d'estampes des communautés du Nunavut et du Nunavik (Canada), les articles des revues  Inuit Art Quarterly et Études/Inuit/Studies, ainsi que les publications du Nunavut Arctic college, pour ne citer que celles-ci.

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