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CLAMS AND ROELithograph 201446 x 38.5 cm$350.00 CDNReleased in the 2014 collectionDorset ID#: 14-36
CLAMS, 2017 Lithograph on BFK Rives White Printer: Nivesksie Quvinaqtuliaq 56.2 x 38.2 cm Edition of 50
CLEANING FISHLithograph 198155.5 x 71 cm$300.00 CDNReleased in the 1981 collectionDorset ID#: 81-L20
COLD KETTLEStonecut & Stencil 201450.5 x 80 cm$600.00 CDNReleased in the 2014 collectionDorset ID#: 14-34
COLONY OF SEALSStonecut & Stencil 200463.7 x 76.5 cm$550.00 CDNReleased in the 2004 collectionDorset ID#: 04-19
CRESTED RAVENSStonecut 201544.5 x 61.8 cm$800.00 CDNReleased in the 2015 collectionDorset ID#: 15-14
CRISSCROSSLithograph 201238.5 x 57 cm$450.00 CDNReleased in the 2012 collectionDorset ID#: 12-09
CURIOUS BIRDLithograph 201125.8 x 35.9 cm$350.00 CDNReleased in the 2011 collectionDorset ID#: 11-02
DANCER WITH LEAFLithograph & Stencil 198578 x 55.5 cm$300.00 CDNReleased in the 1985 collectionDorset ID#: 85-21
DANCING CARIBOUEtching & Aquatint 201047.5 x 46.5 cm$400.00 CDNReleased in the 2010 collectionDorset ID#: 10-30
DEPARTED SOULSLithograph 199757 x 77 cm$400.00 CDNReleased in the 1997 collectionDorset ID#: 97-19
DESPERATE CHASEStonecut & Stencil 198040.7 x 72.1 cm$800.00 CDNReleased in the 2002 Spring collectionDorset ID#: 02S-09
DIVING FISHEtching & Aquatint 201472.5 x 69.5 cm$800.00 CDNReleased in the 2014 collectionDorset ID#: 14-24
Sold Out $600.00
DIVING SEDNAStonecut & Stencil 201062 x 68.7 cm$600.00 CDNReleased in the 2010 collectionDorset ID#: 10-24
Sold Out $500.00
Kananginak Pootoogook DRUM SONG Lithograph 201047.5 x 38.5 cm$500.00 CDNReleased in the 2010 collectionDorset ID#: 10-04
DRYING MEAT FOR WINTERLithograph 198856.5 x 76 cm$450.00 CDNReleased in the 1988 collectionDorset ID#: 88-23
EGGLithograph 200661 x 43.3 cm$600.00 CDNReleased in the 2006 collectionDorset ID#: 06-33
EMERGING SEDNAStonecut & Stencil 200062.2 x 49.7 cm$400.00 CDNReleased in the 2000 collectionDorset ID#: 00-23
ESIGAJUAKStonecut 197363.5 x 50.8 cm$350.00 CDNReleased in the 1973 collectionDorset ID#: 73-54
Kananginak Pootoogook EXHAUSTED DRUMMERLithograph 199476.2 x 56.5 cm$400.00 CDNReleased in the 1994 collectionDorset ID#: 94-07
EXOTIC WOMAN Lithograph 201087 x 38 cm$500.00 CDNReleased in the 2010 Spring collectionDorset ID#: 10S-05
FIRST AMAUTIKLithograph 200257 x 38.3 cm$400.00 CDNReleased in the 2002 collectionDorset ID#: 02-25
FISH WEIRLithograph 198151 x 66.5 cm$250.00 CDNReleased in the 1981 collectionDorset ID#: 81-L05
FISHERMAN'S DILEMMAEtching & Aquatint 199750.5 x 60 cm$350.00 CDNReleased in the 1997 collectionDorset ID#: 97-17
FIVE MEN AND A BOATEtching & Aquatint 200779.5 x 81 cm$700.00 CDNReleased in the 2007 collectionDorset ID#: 07-26
FLEETING TRANSFORMATIONStonecut & Stencil 200762 x 71.3 cm$500.00 CDNReleased in the 2007 collectionDorset ID#: 07-03
FLIP FLOPStonecut & Stencil 201035 x 41 cm$400.00 CDNReleased in the 2010 collectionDorset ID#: 10-26
FLOCK OF BIRDSLithograph & Chine Colle 200138.3 x 45.8 cm$400.00 CDNReleased in the 2001 collectionDorset ID#: 01-27
Kananginak Pootoogook FLUTTEREtching & Aquatint 201056.5 x 59.7 cm$600.00 CDNReleased in the 2010 collectionDorset ID#: 10-08
FOCUSED HUNTERLithograph 200446 x 46 cm$500.00 CDNReleased in the 2004 collectionDorset ID#: 04-31
Sold Out $275.00
FOOD FOR THE DOGSLithograph 198447 x 57.5 cm$275.00 CDNReleased in the 1984 collectionDorset ID#: 84-23
FORMIDABLE MUSKOXLithograph 198556.8 x 73.8 cm cm$1000.00 CDNReleased in the 2016 Spring collectionDorset ID#: 16S-02
FOUR SEASONSLithograph 200576.4 x 56.7 cm$700.00 CDNReleased in the 2013 collectionDorset ID#: 13-13
FRIGHTFUL BIRDSLithograph 199356.9 x 76.2 cm$350.00 CDNReleased in the 1993 collectionDorset ID#: 93-05
FULL MOONEtching & Aquatint 201266 x 63 cm$700.00 CDNReleased in the 2012 collectionDorset ID#: 12-21
GATHERING SPRING PLANTSStonecut & Stencil 198477.2 x 61.2 cm$1000.00 CDNReleased in the 2002 Spring collectionDorset ID#: 02S-13
GILDED AVATAQLithograph 200876.7 x 56.2 cm$700.00 CDNReleased in the 2008 collectionDorset ID#: 08-02
GIRL WITH GULLSStonecut 197043 x 62 cm$600.00 CDNReleased in the 2004 Spring collectionDorset ID#: 04S-08
GUARDIAN OF THE SEAEtching & Aquatint 200674 x 91 cm$700.00 CDNReleased in the 2006 collectionDorset ID#: 06-05
GUIDING SEDNAEtching & Aquatint 201568.5 x 69.5 cm$900.00 CDNReleased in the 2015 collectionDorset ID#: 15-26
Etching & Aquatint 200574 x 87.5 cm$600.00 CDNReleased in the 2005 collectionDorset ID#: 05-27
Sold Out $350.00
HALIBUTLithograph 200928 x 36 cm$350.00 CDNReleased in the 2009 collectionDorset ID#: 09-25
HEAD PULLLithograph 201442 x 66.5 cm$450.00 CDNReleased in the 2014 collectionDorset ID#: 14-33
HELPING HANDSLithograph 201257 x 76.5 cm$600.00 CDNReleased in the 2012 collectionDorset ID#: 12-16
HER CROWNING GLORYStonecut 199361.7 x 74 cm$300.00 CDNReleased in the 1993 collectionDorset ID#: 93-34
Sold Out $400.00
HESITANT BIRDStonecut & Stencil 200256 x 64 cm$400.00 CDNReleased in the 2002 collectionDorset ID#: 02-26
HIDDEN CARIBOUStonecut & Stencil 201432.5 x 38.3 cm$400.00 CDNReleased in the 2014 collectionDorset ID#: 14-19
HIDDEN HUNTEREtching & Aquatint 199851 x 60 cm$500.00 CDNReleased in the 1998 collectionDorset ID#: 98-14
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