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NARWHAL SPIRITStonecut & Stencil 201362 x 78.3 cm$800.00 CDNReleased in the 2013 collectionDorset ID#: 13-32
NINGEOKULUK TEEVEE NATSINIAQTI (SEAL HUNTER)Stonecut & Stencil 201061.5 x 66.5 cm$600.00 CDNReleased in the 2010 collectionDorset ID#: 10-22
NEW AGE CHRISTEtching & Aquatint 200862 x 57 cm$600.00 CDNReleased in the 2008 Spring collectionDorset ID#: 08S-05
NEW BIRD IN CAMPLithograph & Stencil 199157.2 x 76.5 cm$350.00 CDNReleased in the 1991 collectionDorset ID#: 91-33
NIKOLIVIK INGNIRVIKLUStonecut 197863 x 86 cm$350.00 CDNReleased in the 1978 collectionDorset ID#: 78-68
NINGEOKULUK TEEVEE NORTHERN DELICACYLithograph 200961.3 x 43.5 cm$500.00 CDNReleased in the 2010 Spring collectionDorset ID#: 10S-06
NORTHERN EXPOSURELithograph 201476.3 x 57 cm$400.00 CDN Released in the 2014 collectionDorset ID#: 14-05
NORTHERN LIGHTSLithograph 200556.5 x 76.4 cm$700.00 CDNReleased in the 2005 collectionDorset ID#: 05-29
NUNALILithograph 199051.2 x 66.2 cm$300.00 CDNReleased in the 1990 collectionDorset ID#: 90-23
NUNARAAQLithograph 199657 x 76 cm$400.00 CDNReleased in the 1996 collectionDorset ID#: 96-05
OBSERVATION CAMPLithograph 199357.4 x 76 cm$300.00 CDNReleased in the 1993 collectionDorset ID#: 93-33
OCTOPUSES, 2017 Lithograph on BFK Rives Cream Printer: Nivesksie Quvinaqtuliaq 56.2 x 38.2 cm Edition of 50
ONE PENNYStonecut & Stencil 201071.5 x 62 cm$600.00 CDNReleased in the 2010 Spring collectionDorset ID#: 10S-07
OUT OF THE PASTLithograph 200857 x 76.5 cm$700.00 CDNReleased in the 2008 collectionDorset ID#: 08-28
OUTDOOR SERVICELithograph 199456.5 x 76.3 cm$400.00 CDNReleased in the 1994 collectionDorset ID#: 94-29
OWL AND HAREStonecut & Stencil 200451 x 64 cm$500.00 CDNReleased in the 2004 collectionDorset ID#: 04-22
OWL ATTACKING PREYStonecut & Stencil 198163 x 86 cm$275.00 CDNReleased in the 1981 collectionDorset ID#: 81-09
PARNAKTUT (LOADING THE BOAT)Lithograph 198651.7 x 66.5 cm$300.00 CDNReleased in the 1986 collectionDorset ID#: 86-19
PINK LEMMINGStonecut & Stencil 201561.7 x 78.5 cm$900.00 CDNReleased in the 2015 collectionDorset ID#: 15-in02
PIPE DREAMEtching & Aquatint 200876.3 x 56.5 cm$700.00 CDNReleased in the 2008 collectionDorset ID#: 08-33
PLAYFUL OWLEtching & Aquatint 201274.5 x 73 cm$800.00 CDNReleased in the 2012 collectionDorset ID#: 12-14
POLAR BEAR IN CAMPStonecut & Stencil 201562 x 99.5 cm$1400.00 CDNReleased in the 2015 collectionDorset ID#: 15-13
POLISHED BUTTONS Stonecut 201353.5 x 76.3 cm$600.00 CDNReleased in the 2013 collectionDorset ID#: 13-11
PRECIOUS CARGOLithograph 201138.5 x 46 cm$450.00 CDNReleased in the 2011 collectionDorset ID#: 11-01
PROUD YOUNG WOMANEtching & Aquatint 201348.3 x 56.5 cm$600.00 CDNReleased in the 2013 collectionDorset ID#: 13-21
PURSUEDEtching & Aquatint 200367 x 62 cm$450.00 CDNReleased in the 2003 collectionDorset ID#: 03-16
PUTTING UP THE TENTLithograph 198154.5 x 65.5 cm$325.00 CDNReleased in the 1981 collectionDorset ID#: 81-L19
PUTTING UP THE TENTLithograph 198251 x 66.5 cm$250.00 CDNReleased in the 1982 collectionDorset ID#: 82-L19
Sold Out $800.00
QAUMAJAQ (FLY)Stonecut & Stencil 201494.8 x 62 cm$800.00 CDNReleased in the 2014 collectionDorset ID#: 14-29
QIGGIRIAQ (BUILDING A FOX TRAP)Stonecut & Stencil 198750.5 x 65.5 cm$250.00 CDNReleased in the 1987 collectionDorset ID#: 87-16
QISIK (SEAL SKIN)Lithograph 197750.8 x 65.3 cm$175.00 CDNReleased in the 1977 collectionDorset ID#: 77-L22
QULAAGUULIK (HELICOPTER)Lithograph 200938.5 x 49 cm$400.00 CDNReleased in the 2010 Spring collectionDorset ID#: 10S-03
Sold Out $400.00
RAVEN STEALS THE ULUStonecut & Stencil 200162 x 51 cm$400.00 CDNReleased in the 2001 collectionDorset ID#: 01-21
RAVENS' REELLithograph 201156.5 x 76.8 cm$800.00 CDNReleased in the 2011 collectionDorset ID#: 11-28
RECLINING CARIBOUEtching & Aquatint 201470.5 x 74 cm$550.00 CDNReleased in the 2014 collectionDorset ID#: 14-07
RED UMBRELLALithograph 201538.5 x 46 cm$650.00 CDNReleased in the 2015 collectionDorset ID#: 15-07
RESTING BIRDLithograph 200638.3 x 56.7 cm$400.00 CDNReleased in the 2006 collectionDorset ID#: 06-04
NINGEOKULUK TEEVEE RUFFLED FEATHERSLithograph 201476.4 x 57 cm$700.00 CDNReleased in the 2014 collectionDorset ID#: 14-09
SALT & PEPPEREtching & Chine Colle 201562 x 56.7 cm$900.00 CDNReleased in the 2015 collectionDorset ID#: 15-08
SATIRITTUQ Lithograph 200756.5 x 57.2 cm$500.00 CDNReleased in the 2013 collectionDorset ID#: 13-29
SCRAPING CARIBOU HIDELithograph 199180 x 60 cm$450.00 CDNReleased in the 1991 collectionDorset ID#: 91-21
NINGEOKULUK TEEVEE SEA MISTRESSLithograph 200836 x 51.2 cm$500.00 CDNReleased in the 2008 collectionDorset ID#: 08-25
SEA SHELLEtching & Aquatint 201139.5 x 50.5 cm$450.00 CDNReleased in the 2011 collectionDorset ID#: 11-31
SEAGULL IN FLIGHTLithograph 198244.5 x 58.5 cm$225.00 CDNReleased in the 1982 collectionDorset ID#: 82-L17
SEALS BECOME BIRDSLithograph 200028.5 x 38.2 cm$300.00 CDNReleased in the 2000 Spring collectionDorset ID#: 2000-S03
SEALS, 2017 Lithograph on Arches Cover Cream Printer: Nivesksie Quvinaqtuliaq 56.2 x 38 cm Edition of 50
Kananginak Pootoogook SEALSKIN USED FOR MITTSLithograph 199176 x 56 cm$350.00 CDNReleased in the 1991 collectionDorset ID#: 91-07
SEDNA WITH SPOTTED BIRDStonecut & Stencil 198243 x 62.7 cm$1100.00 CDNReleased in the 2002 Spring collectionDorset ID#: 02S-11
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