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SEWING DAYEtching & Aquatint 201545.5 x 42 cm$600.00 CDNReleased in the 2015 collectionDorset ID#: 15-10
SHAMANStonecut 197462.2 x 85.1 cm$300.00 CDNReleased in the 1974 collectionDorset ID#: 74-39
SHAMAN POSSESSEDStonecut 200056 x 66.2 cm$450.00 CDNReleased in the 2000 collectionDorset ID#: 00-26
SHAMAN SURROUNDEDStonecut & Stencil 199862 x 72.5 cm$500.00 CDNReleased in the 1998 collectionDorset ID#: 98-07
Sold Out $200.00
SHAMAN WITH OWLLithograph 197951.5 x 66 cm$200.00 CDNReleased in the 1979 collectionDorset ID#: 79-L30
SHAMAN'S SEARCHStonecut 200040.5 x 63.5 cm$400.00 CDNReleased in the 2000 Spring collectionDorset ID#: 2000-S08
SHAMAN'S THOUGHTSLithograph 199456.1 x 66.5 cm$300.00 CDNReleased in the 1994 collectionDorset ID#: 94-06
NINGEOKULUK TEEVEE SHAPE SHIFTERStonecut 201447 x 65.5 cm$700.00 CDNReleased in the 2014 collectionDorset ID#: 14-16
SHARPENING THE ULUStonecut 198949 x 62 cm$200.00 CDNReleased in the 1989 collectionDorset ID#: 89-16
SIKUSILAMEOT (PEOPLE FROM SOUTH BAFFIN)Lithograph 199729 x 39 cm$300.00 CDNReleased in the 1997 collectionDorset ID#: 97-20
SIUPIRU (SHELLS)Stonecut & Stencil 201228.3 x 62.3 cm$400.00 CDNReleased in the 2012 collectionDorset ID#: 12-26
SMOKE RINGSLithograph 200738.5 x 57.4 cm$500.00 CDNReleased in the 2007 collectionDorset ID#: 07-28
SMOKING CARIBOUStonecut & Stencil 201552 x 66 cm$800.00 CDNReleased in the 2015 collectionDorset ID#: 15-in01
SNAPSHOTLithograph 201451.5 x 66.3 cm$400.00 CDNReleased in the 2014 collectionDorset ID#: 14-06
SNOWHOUSE AND LEMMINGSLithograph 200028.5 x 38.2 cm$300.00 CDNReleased in the 2000 Spring collectionDorset ID#: 2000-S02
SOUL OF THE DANCEREtching & Aquatint 200059.5 x 58 cm$450.00 CDNReleased in the 2000 Spring collectionDorset ID#: 2000-S16
SOUL OF THE QARMAKLithograph 200028.5 x 37.9 cm$300.00 CDNReleased in the 2000 Spring collectionDorset ID#: 2000-S01
SPINLithograph 200530.9 x 30.7 cm$350.00 CDNReleased in the 2005 collectionDorset ID#: 05-02
SPIRIT REFLECTIONStonecut 200220.6 x 45.7 cm$350.00 CDNReleased in the 2002 collectionDorset ID#: 02-24
SPRING MORNINGLithograph 200038.3 x 56.5 cm$450.00 CDNReleased in the 2000 collectionDorset ID#: 00-28
SQUARE DANCELithograph 200050.8 x 38.3 cm$400.00 CDNReleased in the 2000 Spring collectionDorset ID#: 2000-S17
STARTLED HARELithograph 201357 x 76.5 cm$600.00 CDNReleased in the 2013 collectionDorset ID#: 13-19
STONE QULLIQStonecut & Stencil 200353.5 x 64 cm$450.00 CDNReleased in the 2003 collectionDorset ID#: 03-31
STORY BOOTSLithograph 201265 x 49.8 cm$700.00 CDNReleased in the 2012 collectionDorset ID#: 12-27
STRANGE MENLithograph 198356.5 x 76.5 cm$275.00 CDNReleased in the 1983 collectionDorset ID#: 83-L13
Kananginak Pootoogook STRETCHED SEALSKIN ON SNOWBLOCKLithograph 199476.1 x 56.8 cm$400.00 CDNReleased in the 1994 collectionDorset ID#: 94-08
STRING OF PEARLSEtching & Aquatint 200857.5 x 80 cm$700.00 CDNReleased in the 2008 Spring collectionDorset ID#: 08S-06
SUMMER BREEZELithograph 198850.5 x 60 cm$350.00 CDNReleased in the 1988 collectionDorset ID#: 88-26
SUMMER SOLACELithograph 200156 x 38.4 cm$450.00 CDNReleased in the 2001 collectionDorset ID#: 01-28
Sold Out $1,100.00
SUN SPIRITStonecut & Stencil 196862.2 x 42.8 cm$1100.00 CDNReleased in the 2002 Spring collectionDorset ID#: 02S-10
SUNDAY AFTERNOONLithograph 201539 x 38.3 cm$500.00 CDNReleased in the 2015 collectionDorset ID#: 15-12
SURPRISE ATTACKStencil 199362.1 x 73.2 cm$400.00 CDNReleased in the 1993 collectionDorset ID#: 93-04
SUVINNGITTUUK (SEALSKIN PANTS)Etching & Aquatint 200030.9 x 25.5 cm$300.00 CDNReleased in the 2000 Spring collectionDorset ID#: 2000-S11
SYNCHRONIZED SEDNASLithograph 200538.4 x 56.5 cm$400.00 CDNReleased in the 2005 collectionDorset ID#: 05-28
NINGEOKULUK TEEVEE TAILWINDStonecut & Stencil 201427.5 x 33 cm$450.00 CDNReleased in the 2014 collectionDorset ID#: 14-10
Sold Out $800.00
TALEELAYOStonecut 196862.5 x 75.8 cm$800.00 CDNReleased in the 2004 Spring collectionDorset ID#: 04S-06
TALELAYU'S LEGACYEtching & Aquatint 200060.5 x 40.5 cm$450.00 CDNReleased in the 2000 Spring collectionDorset ID#: 2000-S07
TALK OF BIRDSStonecut 196762.5 x 86 cm$1000.00 CDNReleased in the 2004 Spring collectionDorset ID#: 04S-05
TALK OF THE OCEANLithograph 198043.5 x 58.5 cm$225.00 CDNReleased in the 1980 collectionDorset ID#: 80-L30
TARRILIKITAARQ (BUTTERFLY)Etching & Aquatint 201238 x 42 cm$400.00 CDNReleased in the 2012 collectionDorset ID#: 12-24
TATTOOED SHAMANEtching & Aquatint 200874.5 x 85.5 cm$800.00 CDNReleased in the 2008 collectionDorset ID#: 08-30
TENDING THE KUDLIKLithograph & Stencil 199366.1 x 51 cm$350.00 CDNReleased in the 1993 collectionDorset ID#: 93-21
Kananginak Pootoogook THE BAPTISMLithograph 199266.2 x 51.4 cm$400.00 CDNReleased in the 1992 collectionDorset ID#: 92-16
THE DANCERSLithograph 199456.8 x 76.5 cm$300.00 CDNReleased in the 1994 collectionDorset ID#: 94-34
THE FACELithograph 198351 x 66 cm$275.00 CDNReleased in the 1983 collectionDorset ID#: 83-L15
THE FOX AND THE RABBITLithograph 198946 x 51 cm$250.00 CDNReleased in the 1989 collectionDorset ID#: 89-13
THE KELP COLLECTORStonecut & Stencil 200543.5 x 43.2 cm$400.00 CDNReleased in the 2005 collectionDorset ID#: 05-09
THE OUTCASTLithograph 200176.5 x 57.4 cm$600.00 CDNReleased in the 2001 collectionDorset ID#: 01-29
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