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HORNED MUSKOXStonecut & Stencil 201532.5 x 49 cm$600.00 CDNReleased in the 2015 collectionDorset ID#: 15-19
LOOKING BACKLithograph 201538 x 57.5 cm$600.00 CDNReleased in the 2015 collectionDorset ID#: 15-21
QULAAGUULIK (HELICOPTER)Lithograph 200938.5 x 49 cm$400.00 CDNReleased in the 2010 Spring collectionDorset ID#: 10S-03
SIUPIRU (SHELLS)Stonecut & Stencil 201228.3 x 62.3 cm$400.00 CDNReleased in the 2012 collectionDorset ID#: 12-26
THE KELP COLLECTORStonecut & Stencil 200543.5 x 43.2 cm$400.00 CDNReleased in the 2005 collectionDorset ID#: 05-09
TINGLING BIRDStencil 201462 x 49.5 cm$500.00 CDNReleased in the 2014 collectionDorset ID#: 14-28
TRANSFORMATIONLithograph 200933.2 x 44 cm$400.00 CDNReleased in the 2010 Spring collectionDorset ID#: 10S-02
WHITE RAVENStonecut & Stencil 201547.2 x 61 cm$800.00 CDNReleased in the 2015 collectionDorset ID#: 15-18
WILD WORLDLithograph 200751.2 x 66.7 cm$700.00 CDNReleased in the 2008 Spring collectionDorset ID#: 08S-09
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