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ANIMALS EMERGELithograph 200040.7 x 50.7 cm$400.00 CDNReleased in the 2000 Spring collectionDorset ID#: 2000-S09
BLOWING THE AVATAQLithograph 200051.6 x 41 cm$350.00 CDNReleased in the 2000 Spring collectionDorset ID#: 2000-S10
DRYING MEAT FOR WINTERLithograph 198856.5 x 76 cm$450.00 CDNReleased in the 1988 collectionDorset ID#: 88-23
HUNTERS PURSUE DRIFTING BOATStonecut & Stencil 198655 x 70 cm$300.00 CDNReleased in the 1986 collectionDorset ID#: 86-18
KEEPER OF THE KELPLithograph 200155 x 63.8 cm$500.00 CDNReleased in the 2001 collectionDorset ID#: 01-17
PARNAKTUT (LOADING THE BOAT)Lithograph 198651.7 x 66.5 cm$300.00 CDNReleased in the 1986 collectionDorset ID#: 86-19
QIGGIRIAQ (BUILDING A FOX TRAP)Stonecut & Stencil 198750.5 x 65.5 cm$250.00 CDNReleased in the 1987 collectionDorset ID#: 87-16
SHAMAN SURROUNDEDStonecut & Stencil 199862 x 72.5 cm$500.00 CDNReleased in the 1998 collectionDorset ID#: 98-07
SUMMER BREEZELithograph 198850.5 x 60 cm$350.00 CDNReleased in the 1988 collectionDorset ID#: 88-26
SUVINNGITTUUK (SEALSKIN PANTS)Etching & Aquatint 200030.9 x 25.5 cm$300.00 CDNReleased in the 2000 Spring collectionDorset ID#: 2000-S11
TENDING THE KUDLIKLithograph & Stencil 199366.1 x 51 cm$350.00 CDNReleased in the 1993 collectionDorset ID#: 93-21
THE FOX AND THE RABBITLithograph 198946 x 51 cm$250.00 CDNReleased in the 1989 collectionDorset ID#: 89-13
TRANSFORMATION IN FLIGHTEtching & Aquatint 200079.5 x 87.3 cm$600.00 CDNReleased in the 2000 collectionDorset ID#: 00-17
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